Friday, October 17, 2008

The Catfish Splash: Girls Ayeyaiyai.

I'm starting up the "Catfish Splash" for my personal pieces about life or whatever I feel like blogging about. This is the second installment, you can find the 1st one here: Enjoy, and don't forget to dry off, haha.

Ayeyaiyai. They can be found anywhere, one just has to open their eyes. But what does one do when a girl is found? Girl sitting down alone at the commons, girl walking alongside as one walks, or maybe even the gas station. They're everywhere, but how does one approach without seeming like the hunter? No one wants to feel hunted, we're not meat. The girls aren't gazelles, while the boys are the cheetahs. That's not how it works even if some view it that way. It's a predicament I'm sure most have experienced. Ladies and gents, what do you do?


CalvinCuenca said...

haha don't ask me lol...
but i do think some girls like being hunted. not all. or not most. but im sure some do.

nicolepalafox said...

weird, calvin's right. its not being hunted, its being chased. not literally. nothing more terrifying that someone chasing you down the street.