I'm seriously sick and tired of people saying this and that about that guy or that girl. It's growing old kids, teens, adults, whoever this is directed towards. Yeah, you. People need to shut up and grow some thicker skin, please. These things that are said grow faster than you can imagine. Find a different outlet for your frustration or anger. Sports, videogames, dance, writing, just something else. Ayeyaiyai. When you say something, reconsider who or what you're talking about, por favor. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Remember that? That doesn't apply here. Bones will heal over time, but words can leave scars that last a lifetime. I'm ranting because I care, because it takes a toll on me. I know I shouldn't let it bother or affect me, but it does, in a very big way. I care if my friends are friends with each other. Can't we all just get along? So remember the next time you spout something off that you might regret it later or *gasp* hurt someone's feelings. I said please, didn't I?
You can't force people to be friends. If they don't like each other then they don't. Wouldn't you rather have no relationship with that person, than have a fake one? Because if you do have a relationship with that person, then your friendship would just be fake. It won't be real, so there's no point.
In response to anonymous: I don't want fake relationships, but some people put up a front when they could have easily talked to the person to end that friendship. The relationship could have ceased, but instead it was extended. Also, I know people won't like certain people, that's how the world works. It isn't a utopia, I understand that. Maybe people should stop nitpicking and be more understanding rather than disregarding a person at the first negative characteristic?
hm. nicely said.
word x2
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