Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Catfish Splash: No Regrets

Regrets.. you're not supposed to have them. Sometimes, you reminisce about the past and questions begin to formulate. What could have been? What if I had done this? You'll never know because you can't go back. There's no delorean parked in your garage, is there? There's no time machine stashed away in the basement, right? I would've done that differently or this slightly to the left, it doesn't matter now. No turning back, and it sucks. What could've been? It's not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination because the choices and paths taken or not taken shaped who you are today.
I'm not saying this because there's something in my past that I regret. Alright fine, I'll be outright with it. It was a missed opportunity, and we'll leave it at that. What if, what if, what if? I despise that phrase, but you just have to find a way to deal with it. It's not the end of the world, and life will go on. The regrets resurface from time to time when mental lapses occur. The scenarios replay in your head over and over like a broken record. Where would I be now? What kind of person would I have become? It's never a bad thing to look at what could have been, just don't dwell on these thoughts. You can't go back, tough cookies, huh? Look on the brightside though, things happen for a reason. The decisions you made in the past shaped who (insert name here) is today, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lo Siento! (Sorry in Spanish)

Sorry to readers, or reader, haha. I haven't been blogging at all, and Calvin's been busy playing Guitar Hero and Rock Band at the same time. I actually have a plethora of things in the works, and they're taking longer than expected. Also, I just started winter quarter, and that's taking a huge chunk of my attention, so please be patient. Sorry again, but to hold you over until then, here's our new president:


Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Catfish Splash: Old School

There's just something about writing with pen and paper that does it for me. I know it's archaic and utterly sluggish, but there's just something about it. I'm trying to figure out what that something is, but I can't pinpoint it. Typing on the computer is faster, easier, cleaner, and better in basically all facets. There's no comparison when pitting pencil/paper against the keyboard/monitor tandem. So, why is the old school way better? Maybe, just maybe, it's only better to me. Preference is the answer. There are a myriad of reasons that the computer is vastly superior, but you can't alter one's preference. It can also be attributed to the fact that I'm stubborn, plain and simple. Change? I don't particularly favor the word because I'm more accustomed to the quote: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Though, at times, the only choice is to change, so what are you going to do then? One can't remain traditional because your hand has been forced. Modernizing must take place, and the old school must become new school, right? Don't abandon the old school completely though! You just gotta be the old dog that can learn new tricks.